Taking Education Outside the Classroom

River City Field Trips is for ALL HOMESCHOOLERS in the Kentuckiana area. We are excited to be able to offer a variety of field trip opportunities. Please peruse the Field Trips page and email us with any questions! You can also follow us on Facebook and join our Facebook Group for the latest updates!

River City Field Trips is fiscally sponsored by Kentuckiana Homeschool, Inc.  RCFT & KHS are dedicated to providing homeschooled children with opportunities to participate in educational classes, field trips, activities, et cetera.  RCFT & KHS do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion or lack thereof, gender, gender expression, age, sexual orientation, or disability.

Why do you need a membership?  Mainly for privacy issues. Our website has time and date specific information about where our group is going to be, and we would prefer not to have that posted for anyone in the world to see.  We also want to make sure that our members are homeschooling families.  There are no membership requirements once you have one, you can sign up for as many or as few field trips as you are interested in.  Our FAQ page is also a great resource.

Want to help?  We are always looking for committed people interested in volunteering to help plan field trips or help with web design. Email us to learn more!